Gwen Fowler Real Estate, Inc.®

Clemson Football traffic pattern changes...

Posted By Gwen Fowler @ Aug 23rd 2018 10:39am In: Things to Do In Oconee

WYFF shared a story last night about the Clemson Game Day Traffic changes. If you have ever attended a Clemson football game you know the headaches that can come with an added 90,000 people on the roadways. Many of us local to Clemson choose to stay home until after the games start, to avoid traffic. Outgoing flow, half-time and later, is when the roadways are extremely congested. Some folks say it can take hours to get home. 

The changes to the outgoing traffic will make all 4 lanes Southbound on Hwy 76  from Old Stone Church Rd. to Hwy 28 (also known as Mechanic Street) towards I-85. The SCDOT and SCHP did a test on the lane reversals on Tuesday, this week. The SCDOT will begin setting up the cones during half-time and begin traffic flow changes once the 4th quarter has begun. Planning for football traffic is a year-round collaboration between Clemson University, Clemson University Police, and State Troopers, in the hopes of keeping traffic flow more efficient.  

Of course, there are some people that don't think this will help. The first game of the season is a home game on September 1st, 2018, vs Furman University. We will all have to see how it all works as the 2018 season progresses. To help you plan your visit to a game, the schedule is linked below. 

If a long drive home from the game is stressful, then just imagine how relaxing it would be to take a short one to a beautiful mountain or lakefront retreat. 

Clemson University Football Schedule

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