What to Expect the Week of your Closing
You have made your list, you have circled dates on the calendar and everything is coming together.
1) This week you will need to get home insurance. You will have a clause that you must add which will pay the mortgage off should we have a disaster. Contact the lender and have them send this to the insurance agent.
2) Visit the property again. Get meter numbers so you can transfer the utilities. Some companies require a deposit, others just want a letter of good standing or credit from your current provider. You will need to do this about 5 days in advance of when you are closing so that there is not a gap in service.
3) Contact the attorney for a copy of your Settlement Statement and Wiring Instructions. This will have the amount the attorney needs from the buyer/and or /Seller to make the transfer of ownership. You should be able to get this 2 business days before closing date. The wiring instructions will tell your bank where to send the money. In most cases, the attorney wants the money in his/her account the day before closing to be sure there are no problems.
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