Spiders, dead bugs and weeds in the flower beds
We have been previewing houses all week for people coming in over the next 3 weeks. I have been to gated communities and lake communities and vacant houses near the university. Shocked is a harsh word, but I have been shocked at the condition of the properties we have looked at.
When you are looking to find a good deal, the first thing I look at is the days on the market and the number of times the property has been reduced. Today most of the properties were in a gated community, on the market for more than 400 days and have been reduced by at least 10%.
I loved the first house. People were still living there and everything was fresh and in excellent condition. The price was dropped $40,000 yesterday. You could tell they wanted the house shown and were ready to sell.
The 2nd house I went to had shrubs over my head, weeds in the flower beds...I got very wet trying to get in the house. We pulled up to the breezeway at the garage and the lock box should have been put at the kitchen door, instead, it was on the front door. On the other side of the overgrown shrubs and weeds. We get to the front door and there was a massive spider web, dust bunnies that looked like Texas Jack Rabbits and you could tell no one had been here in a long, long time. The interior of the house was very nice. I just don't want to bring the customer in this way.
The 3rd house had a driveway that was so steep I would not (could not) drive down it. The owner was there and explained how easy it was to get in and out of her drive and then she called me a chicken.
After that I was ready to move on and houses 4, 5 and 6 were just ok. I sent one on to the customer who wanted this area and I hope to hear from him soon.
If you are looking for a particular neighborhood, let me know I will preview, and run through the spiders, dust bunnies and weeds to eliminate the bad ones so that you can spend your time looking at good homes for sale at good prices.
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